Upcoming events.
I’ll be attending the upcoming events in the calendar to the right. If you see me and it suits you, come say hi!
A full list of the events is below.
Disclaimer: Out of a desire to provide transparency and accessibility to dog shows and performance events for new fanciers and exhibitors, I have opted to include links to event premiums (when made available).
I am not responsible for the accuracy of these premiums or the content contained within them and may not have revised copies posted if revisions have been made. It is the sole responsibility of each exhibitor and/or spectator to read and understand the information relayed via the premium, including whether the event is open to unentered animals and/or spectators.
Midwest Borzoi Club (MBC) AKC Lure Coursing Trial
Premium here.
At this trial, CH Téine Long and Winding Road JC “Markke” earned a fifth place placement running in Singles.
Potomac Valley Borzoi Club Regional Specialty / Old Dominion Kennel Club of Northern Virginia Shows
Show cluster Premium here. Per the Premium, Saturday all-breed entries of Borzoi to the Warrenton Kennel Club Show are considered the entry for the Potomac Valley Borzoi Club Specialty show.
Saturday Specialty Judging Program here. Sunday All-Breed Show Judging Program here.
At this Specialty, Téine Long and Winding Road JC “Markke” was WD/BOW for a 5-point major to complete his AKC Champion title. Pending AKC confirmation, he can now be styled CH Téine Long and Winding Road JC.
Midwest Borzoi Club OFA Health Clinic
I will post more information when it’s made available.
Potomac Valley Borzoi Club / Caroll Kennel Club Show
At the Specialty, Téine Long and Winding Road “Markke” was WD/BOW/BOBOH for a massive 5-point major by Judge Dana Cline.
Borzoi Club of America (BCOA) National Specialty
Please note the dates selected; I will not be attending the field events at the 2023 National Specialty.
The Premium for the conformation events (as well as a general schedule of events—see page 2) can be found here.
Ingham County Kennel Club Shows*
* My attendance at this show is highly dependent on the anticipated weather. Please note the date(s) selected; I am not entered in the Sunday All-Breed Show.
Premium here.
Michigan Hound Association Show*
Teine Long and Winding Road “Markke” was awarded WD/BOW for his second 3-point major. As of this show, Markke has a total of seven points and both majors toward his AKC Conformation Champion title.
Premium here.
Mid-Ohio Show Cluster
Please note the dates selected. I will not be attending all days of the Cluster.
Premium here.
On Saturday, November 19th, Steppes Mojave Aster SC CGC TKN “Silver” was awarded his ninth point toward his AKC conformation CH title under judge Edmund Dzuik.
On Sunday, November 20th, Téine Long and Winding Road “Markke” was awarded his first points——a 4-point crossover major as WD/BOW——under judge JoAnne M. Buehler.
Potomac Valley Borzoi Club (Regional) Specialty at the Hunt Country Cluster
Teine Long and Winding Road “Markke” was awarded RWD under breeder-judge Patti Widdick Neale at 13 months of age.
Midwest Borzoi Club (MBC) Independent Specialty and Lure Coursing Trials
Conformation premium here. Saturday (Borzoi only) Lure Coursing trial premium here. Sunday (all eligible sighthound breed) Lure Coursing trial premium here.
This weekend is a great one for Borzoi fanciers as much as it is for competitors. If you’ve been considering acquiring a Borzoi, this is a great opportunity to meet many from a variety of pedigrees in a more laid back atmosphere than most conformation venues. There is a potluck planned following the Saturday conformation show; if attending, please consider bringing a dish to share!
Dr. Anne Midgarden DVM Borzoi Movement Study
We have been asked to participate in an upcoming visual study Dr. Anne Midgarden DMV is producing to document movement in Borzoi. The study will work as a visual education tool to show faulted and correct gaiting movement in Borzoi, presumably for AKC judges’ education as well as a publicly available resource for other interested parties.
Dr. Midgarden has previously completed two speed studies (in 2004 and 2007, respectively) to show the impact of construction/form on speed in Borzoi. You can find that study here and the extended study here. Dr. Midgarden also has additional writings on Borzoi form: topline (2000) and croup (2005).
Midwest Borzoi Club OFA Health Clinic
Due to our absence at the National Specialty in Texas for 2022, Silver and I will be attending the MBC Health Clinic to get his full suite of required health testing (for Borzoi) completed for 2022.
This event is an all-breed event, so if you’d like to complete OFA health-testing for your Borzoi and/or other breed(s), I would recommend planning to attend. The full suite of required Borzoi tests is available for under $400 (per animal); the full suite of recommended and required tests is available for under $800 (per animal) at this event. There is a 10% discount for health tests of 3+ animals.
For more information, please see the flyer.
Update: Silver tested normal for both advanced cardiac and eye tests. His thyroid result will be available after being lab tested. All results will be posted to the OFA website once processed.
Bushy Run Show
Steppes Mojave Aster SC CGC TKN “Silver” awarded WD/BOW for one point under Judge Alfred J. Ferruggario.
Pending AKC confirmation, Silver now has eight points toward his CH title.
Kalamazoo Show Cluster
I will be attending all days of the Kalamazoo Cluster, comprised of all-breed shows hosted by the Battle Creek, Holland Michigan, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, and Greater Muskegon kennel clubs (each day of cluster, respectively) and Midwest Borzoi Club’s Borzoi Specialty (Saturday).
All-Breed show cluster premium here. MBC Specialty premium here. No judging program posted yet (check back soon).
Preliminary breed count by show:
Battle Creek (Thursday): 4-5-(3-2)
Holland Michigan (Friday): 6-8-(2-2)
Grand Rapids (Saturday): 11-10-(4-6)
Midwest Borzoi (Saturday, regular classes): 12-10-(4-4)
Kalamazoo (Sunday): 12-11-(5-5)
Greater Muskegon (Monday): 5-5-(2-3)
Central New Jersey Hound Association Hound show and concurrent Borzoi Specialties hosted by Borzoi Club of Delaware Valley and Borzoi Club of Greater New York
Although not originally on my list (since it’s a longer trek for me), I am planning to attend the Thursday and Friday shows of this show weekend in the hopes of a good Borzoi turnout and increased opportunity for points (i.e. majors). I have decided to attend these shows rather than the Black Diamond show cluster in Morgantown, WV the weekend before.
Hound show premium here. Morning specialty premium here. Afternoon specialty premium here.
OKI Gazehound Association of Ohio Lure Coursing Trial
Premium here. Day-of-trial entries permitted. AKC Sighthound breeds ONLY.
Indiana Lure Coursing Club Trials
Premium here. Day-of-trial entries permitted. AKC Sighthound breeds ONLY.
Medina Show
On Sunday, Steppes Mojave Aster SC CGC TKN was WD/BOW/BOBOH for one point under judge Ann Roth.
Novi, Michigan Show Cluster
Please note the dates selected; I will not be attending the Thursday show of this cluster.
I will be entered in both the All-Breed and Hound Shows on Saturday.
Sandusky/Dayton/Lima/Central Ohio Show Cluster
Steppes Mojave Aster SC CGC TKN “Silver” went RWD in an entry of six total Class Dogs under Judge Mr. Michael Canalizo on the Friday show of the cluster.
Delaware Ohio Show
On Saturday, Steppes Mojave Aster SC CGC TKN “Silver” was awarded Winner’s Dog/BOBOH for 1 point in a 2-1-(1-1) entry under Judge Charles L. Olvis.
Midwest Borzoi Club Lure Coursing
On Sunday, Steppes Mojave Aster CGC TKN JC “Silver” completed his fourth and last run to complete his Senior Courser (SC) suffix title as well as placing fourth in the Borzoi Open Trial.
Oki Gazehound Club of Ohio Lure Coursing
Steppes Mojave Aster CGC TKN JC “Silver” successfully completed his second Junior Courser (JC) run and earned his JC suffix title on Saturday. Also on Saturday, Silver successfully earned his Qualified Courser (QC) certification.
On Sunday, Silver competed in his first Open coursing trial and placed second for a two-point win.