Due to our absence at the National Specialty in Texas for 2022, Silver and I will be attending the MBC Health Clinic to get his full suite of required health testing (for Borzoi) completed for 2022.
This event is an all-breed event, so if you’d like to complete OFA health-testing for your Borzoi and/or other breed(s), I would recommend planning to attend. The full suite of required Borzoi tests is available for under $400 (per animal); the full suite of recommended and required tests is available for under $800 (per animal) at this event. There is a 10% discount for health tests of 3+ animals.
For more information, please see the flyer.
Update: Silver tested normal for both advanced cardiac and eye tests. His thyroid result will be available after being lab tested. All results will be posted to the OFA website once processed.